She is on 3 meals a day too btw. Probably obvious and I am being a bit dense but I can't see how to do it. BabyCenter aims to share products and services we hope you’ll find interesting and helpful. I managed with pumping at work for 4 months with DD1 and she was a total milk monster, much more so than her little sis!

I got up to 1.4litres a day and Rosie only ever drank about 750ml so the rest went to premmie babies (24.5 litres). I will be returning to work for 3 days per week when my baby is 8 1/2 months old. Expressing several times (cluster pumping) during the evening can help you increase the number of times you remove milk per day, so increasing your milk production.

You can express breast milk by hand or with an electric or manual pump, whichever is more comfortable for you.
I am back full time and I still feed her all weekend with no problems. Bub is almost 1 month and I'm wanting to start expressing once a day so hubby can help with a feed. I did have to start using up my EBM (expressed breast milk) in the freezer and stopped being able to donate, when I got to pumping twice a day I really dropped my milk supply. Just so you know, we may earn a commission if you buy something we’ve linked to here. I will only get the chance to express once at lunchtime when I am back at work - will this keep my supply going so that I can continue to feed my baby exclusively on my days off? Having said that I was only pumping 3x a day at this point anyway so maybe my situation was different.

Only files 8MB or smaller of the following types are supported: JPEG, PNG, GIF. Bare in mind your work are under certain legislative rules re pumping to encourage mums to continue to bf. Once you go back to work, standard practice is to express once for each missed feed. The problem I might have is on a Monday as it is a longer day 8-6 and think I will have to pump at work then. I didn't worry about keeping the pump sterile as apparently you don't need to worry too much about bugs because of the antibodies in the milk. There are so many unknowns! I am entitled to at least one 20 min break in the morning, and possibly one in the afternoon too, but I don't usually take these, so i could see if my manager would allow me to nip off to express during these if we are still on 4/5 feeds per day.

I pump at lunchtime to. Expressing milk means extracting milk out of your breasts so you can store it and feed it to your baby at a later time.
I expressed at lunchtime the other day because I missed her 11am ish feed and pumped 11oz which I thought was a good amount!

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