From the ear­li­est days of Israel through Rev­e­la­tion, God has used fast­ing as a way to draw his peo­ple near. We have bro­ken out the top­ics in the Spir­i­tu­al Dis­ci­plines Index for your con­ve­nience. In the last CIC article we mentioned Reformed theologian Donald Whitney who wrote: “Richard Foster’s Celebration of Discipline has been the most popular book on the subject of the Spiritual Disciplines in the last half of the twentieth century.

The Bible nowhere describes an inward journey to explore the realm of the spirit. But what about “living masters” or spiritual directors? They call us to the adventure, to be pioneers in this frontier of the Spirit. Renovare's Perspective Newsletter, What It begins by telling his readers to imagine themselves going out into nature into a beautiful place (Boyd describes how he practices this, as well as its results6). Jung is famous for his concept of the collective unconscious, and Kelsey was an Episcopal priest committed to Jungian principles. Richard Foster and He credits Agnes Sanford7 for helping him see the value of using the imagination in praying. How exactly are we to judge when someone has gained “personal holiness” sufficient to be a spiritual director and mediate spirituality to others? As a response to their misguided challenge our church hosted a seminar on sola scriptura, called Faith at Risk 4.14 In the seminar Gary Gilley and I defended the scriptures as the sole authority for the church. He claims that prayer needs to be learned from people who have the right experiences and are “masters” who know what they are doing. After enjoying the sights and smells (in your imagination) these are the next steps: In your imagination allow your spiritual body, shining with light, to rise out of your physical body. Chris Armstrong, the author of the article, concluded, “That they [evangelicals] are receiving good guidance on this road from wise teachers [Foster and Willard] is reason to believe that Christ is guiding the process. Consider what he wrote: “In our day heaven and earth are on tiptoe waiting for the emerging of a Spirit-led, Spirit-intoxicated, Spirit-empowered people. Dallas While oth­er study Bibles serve as resources for ser­mon expo­si­tion, high­er crit­i­cism, or per­son­al devo­tion, The Life with God Bible helps us cap­ture the real­i­ty of liv­ing with the Trini­tar­i­an com­mu­ni­ty in the ever-present king­dom of God. of Living Waters), one of which is the contemplative practice. But the concept of sola scriptura is totally lost on mystics such as Richard Foster.

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