Some larger fish are peaceful and get along with Neon Tetras. So you don’t have to go out and buy a ton of these fish. So make sure your tank is big and full of hiding spots for both fish species.

Any pet fish should have some variety in their diet. But a good filter should be purchased to keep your tank clean. But we have chosen some of the best neon tetras tank mates for you. Get it to around seven or six.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'aquamovement_com-leader-2','ezslot_14',116,'0','0'])); Other things to think about when setting up a tank include coverage. Unlike other Plecostomus species, Clown Plecos only get about 3.5” long, making them a good companion for the small Neon Tetras. Black Skirt Tetra: With its white and black coloration and long, flowing fins, the Black Skirt Tetra barely resembles the Neon Tetra. All the information on is published in good faith and for general information purpose only. We would recommend getting some blood worms or brine shrimp. They are great neon tetra tank mates! These Catfish are fun and full of personality. What do Plecos eat? However, because of their small stature and iridescent exteriors, they can be a vulnerable species if placed with the wrong tank mates. If you’re willing to put in the work, these fish are more than worth it. Harlequins are one of the easiest fish to take care of. Qualities to Consider When Choosing a Neon Tetra Tank Mate, Species to Avoid When Choosing a Tank Mate for Your Neon Tetras. A group of five of these fish should be kept at a minimum. Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi habitat is in Brazil, in Rio-Paraguay and Rio-Taquari river basins located in Mato Grosso do Sul state, in the South of Pantanal wetland park (its territory is huge, over 200 thousand of square meters). Water conditions are fairly similar with these two fish. Driftwood can be beneficial to your Neon tank as well and creates more natural water conditions. Overall though, tetras are great first-time tank pets. But if you want peaceful neon tetra tank mates, a Pleco is a great choice. Neon Tetras are compatible with many different kinds of fish and aquatic pets. So there won’t be much adjustment needed if you have Tetras in your tank already. They like most types of food. But more are welcomed as well, you just want to have a large enough tank. You also want to consider the size of any other tank pets. Of course, there are many fish and pets that will live in harmony with Neon Tetras. And Harlequins will not start any drama with Tetras. If you want to try something different out in your Tetra aquarium, African Frogs are another great option! They have a lot more variety in terms of color really. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'aquamovement_com-leader-1','ezslot_5',109,'0','0'])); Mollies are hardy pets and great neon tetra tank mates. Though the Neon Tetra is the most common Tetra seen in stores, the other Tetra species are equally beautiful and fun. You probably only want to put one of these snails in your tank too. So just keep this in mind. In addition, any type of substrate can be used in your Neon Tetra tank. For more information check out this article: The last tank mate we will introduce for Neon Tetras is the Harlequin Rasboras. Corydoras Catfish, also known as Cory Cats or Armored Catfish, are small bottom-feeding fish with whimsical whiskers. These fish are a little strange looking. However, before you expand your Tetra family, make sure the Tetras you buy are just as even-tempered as their Neon Tetra brethren. Unlike other fish, Guppies quickly learn where their food comes from, and will enthusiastically follow you when feeding time approaches. See our Corydoras Catfish article to learn more. Angel Fish like meatier foods too.

They are non-aggressive creatures that are perfectly happy cohabitating with fish and other invertebrates. They are around the same size as Tetra, but some varieties of the Pleco can get very large. They can actually live up to twenty years in an aquarium. Ghost Shrimp are so named because they have successfully camouflaged by becoming completely translucent- so much so that you can even see the food in their stomach when they eat. Just like with the majority of tetra kind fishes, it’s rathe difficult to find these species on sale. Tetras like a lot of plants in their aquariums. You want plenty of space so all your pets get along and stay healthy. Cardinals like less coverage in their tank. This is one of the most unassuming fish you can get for your pet. The Clown Plecostomus, also known as the Clown Pleco, Common Pleco, Clown Panaque, Panaquemaccus, and Ringlet Pleco, is one of the smallest breeds of suckermouth catfish. As someone who is immediately emotionally-invested in every marine creature she encounters, Taylor is excited to use her experience and expertise to help new aquarium hobbyists create the best environment possible for their fish and invertebrates. Don’t let the name scare you- Ghost Shrimp are a great tank mate for Neon Tetras. So for the most part, they are a perfect pet to put in with Neons. Give them plenty of food and they will thrive in any underwater setup. Mollies are a good size for your Tetra fish. This creates the best possible tank for Tetras and other inhabitants. Really out of any fish or pet on the list. They have great coloring and patterns that add to your tank aesthetic. They like any kind of environment and friendly and fun pets! Mollies are another schooling fish, so keeping at least four at a time is recommended. This will make a Loach more comfortable in a tank.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'aquamovement_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_9',108,'0','0'])); Loaches have all sorts of colors and types. But you can look into other options too! Like Catfish, there are smaller species of this fish you want to stick to. No matter which type of Guppy you choose, they are guaranteed to bring a fun energy to the tank. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Loaches are a unique looking tank pet. They like to have their own space in a tank. Barbs also need companions from their own species. Guppies are one of the best neon tetra tank mates you can put in with your pet. But you want to consider the type of angelfish you get with care. Make sure you have a quality tank with room for a school of Tetra. However, a lot of the same considerations with Neons can be applied to Cardinals.

In addition, your guppies like to have a well-planted tank as well. But they won’t be bothering Neon Tetra schools. Dwarf Gouramis and Neon Tetras have a long history of living happily together in community tanks. They look similar to Neon Tetras, but there are some differences between these species. South American region. So make sure you Neon is getting enough food. Other than this, Neon Tetras and Ghost Shrimp will get along fine. Certain, frogs, shrimp, and even snails can be a nice fit for Tetras. A larger tank will be needed to house this type of pet. In truth, you cannot go wrong with a Halfbeak as a neon tetra tank mate. But they are charming fish. Still, Tetras are fairly easy to take care of and won’t require a ton of tank maintenance. The substrate should work for your plants, and should definitely go with your tank visuals. So you can really mix and mash different fish looks!eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'aquamovement_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_8',105,'0','0'])); Guppies need to be in a group just like Tetras. So they really stick out in the water. If you want a fun and eye-catching aquarium space, there are several fish types to choose from. But you want to consider what kind of aquarium you are trying to build. You want a tank that is bigger than ten gallons as well. Required fields are marked *. Barbs like living with Neon Tetras. The best part about these fish is that you can easily add in other fish species in your tank. So you won’t have to worry about adjusting conditions too much. To ensure you are picking a compatible species, consider the following questions: If you answered “yes” to all of these questions, the species will likely be a great tank mate for the Neon Tetra. There is zero danger with this fish and your Tetra.

Clown Plecos are hardy fish that are easy to care for; as long as they have a cave or tube to relax in when they are feeling anti-social, they will happily thrive in a community tank. Some creatures are better suited to your aquarium setup and your Tetra. 9 Best All-In-One Pond Pump And Filter in 2020. They shine brightly in tanks and take on a gem like sheen.

The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional veterinary advice. These fish match harlequin outfits with their coloring!

They have a lot more variety in terms of color really. We’ll talk more about ideal neon tetra tank mates you can add to your tank space. And don’t forget to get good quality food for your pet. Taylor has over ten years of experience keeping freshwater and saltwater aquariums in both laboratory and personal settings. Considering this, you want to minimize light in any Tetra tank.

In the process of this post, we’ll also include Neon Tetra’s care tips and facts.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'aquamovement_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_4',104,'0','0'])); This information will make it easier to care for pet Tetras and find the best tank mates! Gravel is generally a good choice for this pet though. However, Neon Tetras are a great option, especially if you are just getting into fish keeping!eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'aquamovement_com-box-3','ezslot_2',103,'0','0'])); These aquatic pets are popular and known for their iridescent hues.

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