The light stopped pulsing, and grew brighter and brighter.

They went downstairs into a dry storage room for the villa’s kitchen.

Because of the COVID-19 our sessions are now online via Roll20 but I can't find a decent map of the High Hall to add to our online game It was printed on nine square plates of infernal iron, saying: “Be it known to all that I, Thavius Kreeg, High Overseer of Elturel, have sworn to my master, Zariel, lord of Avernus, to keep the agreements contained in this oath. They entered the kitchen, the door still being silenced, finding a barlgura drinking from a barrel of pickle juice. At the same time, the rush of exciting, enjoyable new ideas has also brought with it cultures and practices that many Baldurians find distasteful or frightening. The fortress has four levels: the bridge level, taken up by the gauntlet tunnel and offices devoted to traffic management; a second-story armory full of oil, javelins, and everything the soldiers need to withstand a siege; a third story for soldier’s quarters; and a high-ceilinged dungeon level below the bridges to hold temporary prisoners and the fortress’s supply of small boats (should the garrison need to sally through heavily fortified river-level gates). Also includes 'Avernus as a Sandbox', a complete guide to turning Chapter 3 – Avernus into a sandbox! These walls don’t simply surround the neighborhood, either. Those who pay attention to such things in Faerûn refer to the phenomenon as “the Baldur’s Gate Miracle.”. The devils ran straight for the door, the same one the party was leaving. Lady Hhune told them that she would give her word that Duke Vanthampur had been killed attacking the party. The Hhunes and the Vanthampurs had some bad blood between them, in part because the Vanthampurs thought they should have possession of the Shield of the Hidden Lord, but the Hhune family had been members of the Knights of the Shield for centuries. The intimidating Allandra Grey leads the temple’s score of waveservants, most of them women widowed or orphaned by the sea. Since one of the important bits to the Ritual is the altar in the chapel, if the party didn't clear out the High Hall, that could be a problem and they might have to try and flee to other areas in the city. We've already been saving your edits, so if you With its downright ribald menu of salaciously renamed breakfast foods, the Smilin’ Boar was always intended to cause a stir in well-to-do Bloomridge. Thurstwell admitted that he used imps as his spies, and they came and went through the fireplace in his room. Liara sentenced him to death, although Syrian argued for his redemption. A stable holds the Watch’s warhorses, while a few jail cells can host ordinary prisoners awaiting transport to trials in the High Hall or prison in the Seatower of Balduran. He then went on to say that he would pay anybody handsomely for their escort to the Upper City, where the Flaming Fist had no jurisdiction. This has made the shrine a popular place for weddings, dedication ceremonies, and other oaths.
Jezebel, her quasit familiar, let the party know it was OK to disturb her, and she immediately snapped out of her fugue with a greedy, “What did you bring me?”. Baldur’s Gate is a prosperous city where just about anything can happen, and often does. The courtyard then descended into chaos, with imps appearing and the Flaming Fist dividing between the loyal and the greedy. Lady Hhune had been captured by the Vanthampurs for leverage against the Hhune family, who were known to opposed Thalamra’s bid for Grand Duke. Liara came to the party and asked, “Do you want the shield or not? Serasriel leaned on Erin, entirely unsure of how to feel, but focusing more on the Shield of the Hidden Lord. Part school and part alehouse, this wide three-story building leans precariously over the street in Eastway. The next day the party rode the Lion’s Way to Candlekeep.

Today, Baldur’s Gate is split into three districts: the wealthy Upper City on the hills above the docks, the bustling Lower City around the harbor, and the lawless Outer City (which includes all neighborhoods outside the city walls). The main appeal of Insight Park is the Drawing Tree. Several gray and black marketeers hold heavily reinforced, Guild-approved secure rooms in the Undercellar, from which they deal in weapons, illicit disguises, counterfeit Watch tokens, rare poisons, and other contraband. Serasriel opened a magical secret door, kissed Erin, and shoved him down the stairs beyond. Those who come around looking for such things are challenged to a friendly sparring match in the atrium, usually with Garmult. They handed over Apocalypto, the book they had stolen from Thurstwell a few days ago, which was accepted. Pashka searched Mortlock’s room, which was simply-furnished and had little of value. In the aftermath, the Lower City decided to consolidate. Rather than opening their doors to the foreigners, the people of Baldur’s Gate quickly hustled them out of the city, forcing them out the Basilisk Gate in the middle of the night and taxing them for the privilege. Once it was clear whose allegiance lay where, Syrian’s radiance of the dawn destroyed a sizable portion of the enemy forces, including Thurstwell and most of the imps. A capstan in the tower can raise the chain, stretching it across the harbor mouth and keeping anything larger than a rowboat from entering or leaving. Natural cavern systems have been expanded and shored up to create extensive crypts, yet over generations maps have been lost or poorly updated, and it’s not uncommon for a gravedigger to find themselves striking the wood of a coffin where no coffin should be, or tumbling through into a forgotten stretch of tunnel.
Once the minotaur was dead, the party determined the rest of the devils and minotaurs had enough to keep themselves busy, and wouldn’t pay attention to them sneaking through the window of the inn. Built by a wealthy caravan operator who lost their fortune to monster attacks, this white-walled manor house was quickly overtaken by squatters, and has now spent most of a century as an all-gnome artist’s commune. They entered the door, and Erin was suddenly confronted with the woman that was the reason he was exiled from Evermeet. Tokens and tolls are only accepted at Citadel Gate, Baldur’s Gate, and the Black Dragon Gate, since the other gates are reserved for the exclusive use of patriars, their servants, and their guests. While a somewhat ignoble end, it’s often the only holy-ground burial the city’s poor can afford, and Brother Hodges does his best to bring quiet dignity to the practice. At infrequent and seemingly random intervals, a disembodied elven voice cuts through the crowd, its song haunting enough to magically dim the room’s lanterns and make even the bar’s most hardened customers weep. The scale is 10 feet per square so it's very small.The patron version is twice as large. Syrian determined how to correctly pray to Torm in order to “activate” the consecration, and although the devils tried to stop the party, the holy runes ruined the days of the devils. Ribbons has never been seen to lose his temper, even when hurling knives and bottles with deadly accuracy at unruly guests. The establishment is even run by two retired members, Vedren and Halesta. Shadow, Erin, and Solwynn moved to the room (a shrine to Tyr, Torm, and Ilmater) to rescue the Hellrider, who was actually fighting two wraiths valiantly, but was also clearly outmatched. What kind of foul play, she has no idea. The records go back to the city’s founding, encompassing centuries of meticulously maintained documents. At first, few others knew how to react while she was paralyzed. I appreciate your work but if you alter it too much from the source, it becomes a pain to use on a VTT. Meanwhile, Shadow stepped toward a stack of crates in the middle of the room, where he was surprised to have three spined devils explode out of the top crate. Eventually, Erin and Serasriel were able to become coherent enough for them to speak, him expressing his eternal love, and her telling him he ruined her life. There was much discussion to be had, and Syrian cast zone of truth, which covered everybody in the room.

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